
Microeconomics and Behaviour | 2:a upplagan


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Förlag McGraw-Hill Higher Education
Språk Svenska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2016-07-16
Upplaga 2
Fler upplagor 2013/1
ISBN 9780077174088
Kategori(er) Ekonomi & management
 ↳ Mikroekonomi
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Exploring the relationship between human behaviour and economic analysis, microeconomics and behaviour 2nd Edition establishes the fundamentals of intermediate microeconomics in a clear and narrative style and develops economic intuition about the world around us. The text continually encourages the reader to think like an economist through the development of core analytical tools and Economic Naturalist examples.
distinctive features
Economic Naturalist examples: Updated for the new edition, the text uses Economic Naturalist examples to show how economic principles can be used to explain experiences and observations of everyday life. Throughout the text, these examples demonstrate the relevance of economics by enabling the reader to apply economic concepts to everyday situations and also instil an inclination to do so. Why do people not haggle in supermarkets? Why does it pay to be careful with special offers?
Business examples: Making content even more relevant for business students, microeconomics and behaviour 2nd Edition contains numerous examples that relate to business issues, tackling such questions as: Why is it good that Uber increases prices in crisis situations? Why did mobile phone companies pay too much (or too little) for a 3G licence?
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